About US

We provide complete solutions to our clients

The history of our companies began in the 1980s. Portugal was going through a difficult socio-economic situation, together with a high percentage of unemployment. For this reason, immigration became the only option for thousands of Portuguese immigrants. One of the most attractive and challenging destinations was Venezuela, a South American country that was experiencing a period of prosperity and economic expansion. It was in this country that Ilídio Tavares began his word as a tower crane mechanic. And end up meeting Edgar Garcia, his eternal business partner.

Ambitious and visionary, very quickly they set up Montajes Tagar. The aim was to hire out new or used equipment and, over the following decades, their success was notable. It became a leading company in the sector and was one of the companies responsible for major public and private works in the country. However, in 1999, Venezuela fell into a communist regime, politically and socially, which made Ilídio Tavares and Edgar Garcia to return to Portugal.

In Portugal, in 2000, they founded the company EUROTAGAR. The objective was the same as Montajes Tagar’s, but, as always, the were carried away by their entrepreneurial spirit and started to invest in mobile cranes.

This market, very little explored at the time, allowed EUROTAGAR to become one of the main companies operating in the construction of the vast national road system. Its growth was intense, and it quickly became a landmark. All its efforts were aimed at solving its clients’ problems, with the best service at the best price in mind. 

However, the crisis in the private and public construction sector hit Portugal. EUROTAGAR, resilient, made a difference by acquiring its first large mobile crane – LTM 11200. Although there was no demand for this type of equipment in the sector, its managers and partners, Ilídio and Edgar, knew that the opportunity would arise. Shortly afterwards, the marked was looking for cranes capable of erecting wind turbines and, with no competition, EUROTAGAR was able to fulfil this new need.

In 2006, EUROTAGAR decided to buy a company situated in Porto, INTERGRUAS, a moved its headquarters to Arrifana, together with EUROTAGAR. Shortly afterwards, in 2007, GRUAV, a company from Aveiro, suffer the same destiny too. This was the beginning of GRUPO TAGAR.

Now, GRUPO TAGAR also has facilities in other places in Portugal, like in Benavente, Lisboa, with IDELGRUA IBÉRICA and in Leiria, with CARIANO, SA, combined with other local businesses and outside works.

You can find us, just look at the skies.


EUROTAGAR and GRUPO TAGAR aims to carry out our client’s projects in a sustainable and safe way, using a competent team and specialised equipment.


To be a landmark Group, where experience, competence and professionalism are recognised by our clients. To consolidate our position as a leader and landmark Group, in our country and abroad, in the lifting area and handling loads in the industry, construction and wind energy sector.


Certified Company

Eurotagar, Lda.

Grupo Tagar